Stvarnik je izročil človeku štiri sveta imena. Malo jih ve za skrivnost, le oni, ki so bili dovolj modri, da so z njimi pravilno ravnali. Sveta imena so polna moči, z njimi spreminjajo zemlji obličje. Sonce je prvo ime, pošilja nam toploto in svetlobo, rastlinam dopušča zoreti. Drugo ime je ime mogočnih tokov, rek, potokov, iz njih pijemo čisto vodo. Gozd je tretje sveto ime, gozdovi so starejši od nas, ostali bodo, ko nas ne bo več. Četrto ime je zemlja in zemeljski prah, vanju se bomo vrnili. Nekega dne bodo vsi ljudje razumeli svete besede, učili se bodo, kako z njimi ravnati. Potem bo jezik vsem razumljiv. Če razumemo živali, smo na pravi poti. Če govorimo z drevesi, vemo : napočil je čas. (Indijanska modrost) |
The Maker has handed humanity four sacred names. Only a few know about the secret, only those who were wise enough to handle them correctly. The sacred names are full of power, they're used to change the face of the earth The Sun is the first name, it sends us warmth and light, allows the plants to bloom The second name is the name of the Great Waters from which we drink clear water. The Forest is the third, forests are older than us, and they will remain when we’re long gone. The fourth name are the Ashes of Earth to which we return. Someday all people will understand these names, they shall learn how to handle them And then every language will be understood. If we understand animals we are on the right path, But if we talk to the trees we know; It is time. (Wisdom of the Indians) . |
© 2017 Ranč Kaja in Grom
Razgor 11, 3212 Vojnik, Slovenia Tel.: 00386 41 639 822 e-mail: [email protected] Organizer: Zavod Moj Aron. |