Thank you to all the children and their special education teachers for participating and creating works that will help us towards a better understanding of animals, plants and other beings who coexist with us. From April 2018, this page will show the three most original works and other narrative works of little Slovenian Animal and Nature Ambassadors.
Hvala vsem otrokom in njihovim specialnim pedagogom za sodelovanje in pripravo izdelkov, ki bodo pomagali k boljšemu razumevanju živali, rastlin in ostalih človekovih so-bitij. Spodaj si boste od aprila 2018 lahko ogledali najizvirnejše tri in ostala pripovedna dela malih slovenskih Ambasadorjev živali in Narave.
The three most original works / Najizvirnejša tri:
Other wonderful works of little Animal Ambassadors from the participating kindergarden: / Spodaj objavljena čudovita dela malih Ambasadorjev živali sodelujoče vrtca: